Physical Presence

Using new technologies, iCert conducts the certification examination process either through the use of computers in our advanced facilities or in the traditional way of written examinations. Through a reliable training experience, all you have to do is focus on writing well as our experienced staff will take care of everything else such as proper computer operation, security and hygiene of the venue as well as conducting the exams with impartiality and the presence of professional proctors

Detailed physical presence instructions

The examination takes one hour in total. This time includes 10 minutes for any clarifying questions you may wish to ask. You will be asked to answer thirty multiple-choice questions (3-5 choices), of which only one will be correct and the others incorrect.

The company plans in good time the exact place (e.g. examination center rooms) and time of the examinations (dates, times and duration of examinations) of the specific subject area of the profession and publishes/announces it on its website.

Anyone who wishes to participate in the certification examinations for a specific specialty, either as an individual or collectively at the level of human resources certification of a company or system, completes the online application form.

The company evaluates the data of the submitted -electronically signed by the applicant- application and informs the applicant in time to participate in the upcoming certification exams.

The applicant becomes a candidate for participation in the examinations of the specific Certification Scheme if his/her application is accepted by the company and he/she has fulfilled his/her financial obligations. In such cases, the company will inform the candidate in a timely manner, either electronically or in writing, so that the candidate can indicate (electronically or in writing) his or her availability to take the subsequently scheduled examinations

The company records the relevant list of participants for the subsequent examinations, having assigned a unique code to each candidate and keeping a record.

The examination will be conducted either by computer or in writing, where appropriate, in the presence of one or two accredited invigilators The subjects will be selected randomly (by means of a specific algorithm), in order to avoid both any disruption to the continuity of the examination and any repetition of specific subjects. One (1) or two (2) invigilators, as specified by the company per examination, will supervise the conduct of the examination.

The subjects will be selected randomly (by means of a specific algorithm), in order to avoid both any disruption to the continuity of the examination and any repetition of specific subjects. One (1) or two (2) invigilators, as specified by the company per examination, will supervise the conduct of the examination.

For information on the subjects or to check the validity of a certificate please contact us

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