Management and Marketing Executive for Organic Products


The holder of the certificate in the specialty “Management and Marketing Executive for Organic Products” is defined as the person who possesses the necessary knowledge to be able to manage operations related to the marketing of organic products, from the stage of their receipt.

The “Management and Marketing Executive for Organic Products” will be able to deal with and carry out tasks related to the promotion of organic products, their search and marketing, taking care of their transport to the points of sale. . Indicative job duties include the following:

  • Management of operations relating to the supply of organic products
  • Support for the marketing of organic products
  • Monitoring of reserve levels.
  • Work related to the promotion of organic products


Requirements for taking the certification test:

  • Age: At least 18 years old
  • Graduate of at least optional secondary education as applicable in his/her country of origin or residence or
  • Graduate of compulsory education as applicable in his/her country of origin or residence and education/training of at least 40 hours’ duration.


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